百年校庆杰出学者讲座第18期-Inflation and Debt Rollover under Low Interest Rates 低利率下的通货膨胀与债务再融资

来源: 发布日期:2025-01-06

主题Inflation and Debt Rollover under Low Interest Rates 低利率下的通货膨胀与债务再融资

主讲人美国波士顿大学经济系 苗建军教授

主持人中国金融研究院 张博副教授



主办单位:金融学院、中国金融研究院 科研处


苗建军,现任美国波士顿大学经济系终身教授,兼任浙江大学和中央财经大学兼职教授。他的研究领域为泡沫和崩盘的宏观经济学意义、不确定下决策理论与应用、金融与实际摩擦的宏观经济学、动态契约、连续时间金融。苗建军教授担任Annals of Economics and Finance、Economic Theory、Journal of Mathematical Economics以及Macroeconomic Dynamics等国际经济金融期刊的副主编。自2003 年以来,苗建军教授已在American Economic Review、American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics、Econometrica、International Economic Review、Journal of Economic Theory、Journal of Finance、Journal of Financial Economics、Journal of Monetary Economics、Review of Financial Studies以及Theoretical Economics等国际顶尖金融学和经济学期刊上发表论文30余篇。


This lecture constructs a New Keynesian model with overlapping generations to study the impact of temporary and permanent increases in fiscal deficits financed by debt rollover policy when interest rates are lower than economic growth rates. This lecture will show that the debt rollover policy is feasible in the monetary regime, but leads to very slow-moving debt. For a temporary increase in fiscal deficits, this policy generates persistent inflation; while for a permanent increase, it leads to persistent disinflation. From the perspective of social welfare, in terms of financing a temporary increase in fiscal deficits, the debt rollover policy dominates the conventional fiscal rule; but if the increase is permanent, the debt rollover policy is dominated.
